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05.-06. Oct.

The NHS and the legacies of empire

A two-day international conference investigating the influence of race, colonialism an migration on public health in the UK since 1948.

For further details and registration, go to:


Hörsaalruine des Medizinhistorischen Museums

Campus Charité Mitte/Virchowweg 16

On 5-6 October, the Centre for British Studies (Großbritannien-Zentrum) of the  is Humbolst-Universität zu Berlin) is joining with the Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité to host a two-day international symposium marking the 75th anniversary of the British National Health Service (NHS). The event focuses on a neglected theme in the organisation’s history, culture and current medical practices. The NHS and the legacies of empire investigates the influence of race, colonialism and migration on different aspects of public health in the UK from 1948 through to the present day.