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Opening hours

Guided tour

120 Minutes | 190 €

300 years of Charité - from pest house to university hospital

max. 30 people

Students, adults

bookable from Monday till Sunday, even outside our regular opening hours

Built in 1710 as a pest house, the Charité has developed into a university hospital with an international reputation. Discover the historic campus of the Charité on a two-hour guided tour and learn exciting stories and anecdotes about Berlin's oldest hospital on its way to becoming Europe's largest university hospital. In search of traces of the constant change, you will get to know various important personalities in Berlin's medical history such as Rudolf Virchow, Rahel Hirsch and Ferdinand Sauerbruch.

If you would like to make a binding booking for this tour, please complete our booking form and send it by e-mail to After processing, you will receive a booking confirmation.

Please note the terms and conditions and our house rules before your visit.